In our busy schedules we often come away from our roots, and among the people that we miss the most, our siblings are usually at the top.

When it comes to sibling love our foundational days, our childhood, is what bring us a smile even today!

So wherever you are sitting right now, be it in your college classes, your office cabin or in between a break, do read this blog, because, by the end we know you will be smiling and sharing this with your sibling!:)

Growing up with a sibling is a different experience altogether and here’s why we say that…

Doing (read: messing up) household works

In an Indian Household Mothers take care of all the household works alone. And the worse days are when the domestic help stays absent and the kids are on vacation!

Apparently these days always used to begin with Mother waking up the siblings earlier since the maid is going to be absent. But once the sibling wakes up, the mother only regrets having called them up from sleep itself.

From using shampoo to wipe floors to washing dishes with just water. It slowly becomes a day of fighting for the mothers in the process of explaining how to do the tasks correctly, till she just gives up and asks them to leave the work and go & play so that she can settle the mess!

These days of childhood are one of the best memories of Siblings since the innocence with which they try to work these adult-tasks out and then miserably fail- is priceless!

(Only if mother’s agreed to that last line!);)

Returning from School Holding Hands (or fighting)!

For siblings studying in the same school, the ‘chhutti ka bell’ had a different significance all together.

It meant now they are about to meet finally after a day of hard-work and that they would now be able to share all their untold experiences to their best-friends cum enemies!

Buying one ice-cream from the vendor sitting outside the school gate, sharing it with each other, and then the whole way talking to each other about all those ‘kaands’ that are risky to discuss at home!

No BMW or Audi ride can match that pleasure. Certainly.

The fights for the VGJ (Video Game Joysticks!)

Pacman, Contra, Bomber Man, Super Mario…

Those names act like time-machines!

Countless afternoons have we spent playing those games, hours after hours, just for that one point score up! And the one who won (when the game had to be ended as parents would be standing behind with angry eyes) would get the right to bully the other for the rest of the evening!

And the PUBG gen thought they have the most fun!

Wrap up

How many of these childhood memories could you relate to the most? And would you like a sequel to this blog with more happy-memory-instances to make you nostalgic?

Then let us know in the comment section and Shree will see to the rest!



Shree Rakhi | Rakhi Wholesale Supplier In India
Shree Rakhi | Rakhi Wholesale Supplier In India

Written by Shree Rakhi | Rakhi Wholesale Supplier In India

In the world of Indian Rakhi Manufacturers, We are trend-setters,We are creativity-promoters.

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